is that there is a line between what I can disclose and what must remain secret. It would be nice to have an avenue to share my deepest fears and richest dreams...but since this is not an anonymous blog, I have to consider how I look and how my words sound to everyone else. What does a blogger do when she is feeling sad or frustrated? I want to write about it. I want to put it on here and let anyone read it. But, I don't. Instead, I keep it to myself. Or I call my mom. Or I call Kat. But it's not the same as writing it.
In fact, just having this drafted proclamation about the issue is making me feel relief. There is something about the written word that helps me express my thoughts more accurately than speaking, even though this writing must stay vague and uninformational. I'm going to try and sleep now that my mind has slowed down a bit.
if you want to sing out, sing out. the blog readers of the world are always listening.