We went to Whitfill Nursery for our Christmas tree. Andrew immediately found the tree he wanted and claimed it as ours. Of course, we insisted we keep looking. "You don't want to take the first one you see," I told him. We looked for 20 minutes and didn't find anything else, so we went back to Andrew's tree and grabbed it.

Andrew helped a lot getting the decorations on the tree. He was excited and adamant about making some popcorn tinsel but unfortunately he has failed to actually put that into action!

Bob and I combined our ornaments for the first time. We have...umm...a small selection. Gosh for so long I had only a tiny little tree; most of the ornaments I had were really cheap and small. We had bought a few ornaments together on our travels and I had secretly ordered two ornaments from etsy.com, representing our travels this summer. I got an Edelweiss ornament and a glass spoon with a drawing of the Eiffel Tower. They look cute.
And, I'm clever! You see, I contacted Bob's mom weeks ago and asked about getting some of the ornaments that were on his tree as a kid. She sent four ornaments and I got to surprise Bob with them while we were going through the ornaments. He's a sucker for things of his past.

Here is our tree, "pre-trimming":

And of course, smiley Andrew walking through the tree farm:
Grate Pics and narration...